In my third season of cycling, seeing how far my bike will take me.

Thursday, 28 October 2010

Winter Training

Winter training has begun with some solid rides accompanied by none other than Double Brompton Junior World Champion Brock Duncombe-Rogers.  New winter bike has arrived and enjoying going out for rides during my two week half term before having to pay too much attention to my heart rate monitor.  Looking forward to a really strong winter ahead.  Team training with the Development squad starts on the 7th Nov and trying to get as much marking and coursework done now so I can focus on cycling during the second half of term.  Very strange not to see Dan Bennett and Trevor Holmes for 3 weeks who were with us every weekend last year.  Really looking forward to meeting up with the team on the 7th and hear we have some very strong riders joining us.

Pleased with my season last year and after a while began racking up some points.  First half of the year was focused on some big races in Belgium and in the area and really developed a lot by racing a level above myself.  That experience definitely helped my progress in the second half of the season.

Very sorry to see James Peckham heading off to Wales and Nathan Boschma heading off to Aus.  Just helped James' wife pack up the house while he is off on a business trip before moving early doors tomorrow!! Unbelieveable! Training and racing won't be the same without you guys!